
life in all its glory

because awards are fun

Okay so, three awesome bloggers awarded me with the Liebster Award.


I love these chain blogging awards, they make me so happy! The three bloggers that nominated me are: Suburban Girl, Impossible to Date, and Socially Oxward (side note: I’m so glad I finally learned how to do this linking thing! It makes things so much easier). I’m so thankful for having three separate people taking the time to nominate me! If you aren’t already following their blogs, you should. They’re all awesome! 

The rules for the Liebster Award are very simple: You are required to thank the person who nominated you, answer the 11 question they have asked you, nominate 11 other people and ask them 11 questions in return. According to the guidelines the Liebster award should be sent to bloggers with less than 200 followers so that new bloggers can see how awesome they are!

I suppose I could answer each one of the 11 questions…but I think that would make this post long and boring. So I’m going to pick my favorite 11 questions out of the 33. Sorry it’s so cut throat. 

Here are my answers to my top 11 questions: 

  1. Favorite punctuation mark? Explain. A: semicolon. I mean, is it a period? Is it a comma? It’s a confused little punctuation mark and I love it. I’m not even sure I know how to use it correctly. It’s also really weird to hand write a semicolon. I feel I have to emphasize the comma in it. 
  2. What’s the best food ever? Ever. (Also same question as favorite food) A: I’m going to go ahead and say Gnocchi. It’s by far my favorite thing to eat. If you don’t know what they are…I can best describe it as potato balls. I actually love anything with potatoes. Starchy goodness. Mmmm. 
  3. If a genie could grant you three wishes right now, what would they be? A: 1. Win the lotto. Sure, they say money doesn’t buy happiness but having that kind of cash would sure as hell solve a lot of my problems AND I’d be able to help a crap ton of people (including my parents so they can officially retire). 2. Get accepted into the USC Masters in Social Work program. 3. For me to find the man of my dreams and for us to live happily ever after (hey, a girl can dream…right?) 
  4. What’s your favorite part about blogging? A: The community. This is my first time blogging so I didn’t really have any expectations for it. The people I follow, generally follow the same blogs so it’s like we’ve developed this little community. It’s awesome! Also, blogging has been a great way for me to process my thoughts and feelings. Doing that has always been extremely difficult. It still is but I’m working through it! 
  5. What is humanity’s biggest flaw? A: oh my! That is quite the question. There are a lot of things I could list here. Lack of empathy, selfishness, greed, racism, politics, violence, everybody thinks they’re right and what they’re doing is the right way to do it (I don’t know if there’s a word for that), too judgmental, laziness (people think that simply “liking” a page on facebook is going to create some sort of social change, if you really feel strongly about…get off your ass and do something about it!), ignorance, people are so wasteful, and…ummm….corruption. [another side note: I got my bachelor’s in sociology, which is why i really wanted to answer this question! haha]
  6. If you had the ability to fix or cure one thing in the world, what would it be? A: This one is going to be a two-part answer. If it was medical…I’d like it to be diabetes. If it was some sort of humanitarian effort, I’d cure the world of poverty. 
  7. How do you envision your life in 10 years from now? A: IDEALLY, I’d love to be married with kids by then. Also have my masters and PhD done as well. However, I’ve learned that things don’t always go your way. If I don’t find somebody to marry and have kids with in the next 5-7 years…I’ll find another way start a family. I’m not going to sit around and wait for prince charming lol. Having kids is way more important than finding a husband. 
  8. Do you believe in finding ‘the one’? A: yes and no. I used to believe it but what if that person dies at a very young age? Are we supposed to remain single just because we thought they were “the one”? No, I don’t think so. I believe we’re meant to be with a certain person; however, I also believe that there could be other people out there that you’re just as compatible with. 
  9. What’s the most important thing you value in life? A: my family and friends. They’re so incredibly important to me. I don’t know what I would do without them. 
  10. If you could have any job you wanted, what would it be? A: I told one of my professors, I want to be like him when I grow up. This was recent, not like ten years ago haha. He’s a Licensed Clinical Social Worker with a PhD in Addictive Studies who has his own practice and is also a part time college professor. I would love to have my own practice and be a college professor. Both are my dream jobs, I can’t pick one. 
  11. What have you learnt most about finding love through your adventures to date? A: Oh dear. I left this one last on purpose. I’ve learned so much and I know I will continue learning more. I’ll mention what I think is the most important. I’ve learned that it’s not necessary for me to find somebody to be happy. I’m just as content with myself. I can start a family on my own so it’s not the end of the world if I don’t find a husband. I’ve learned that I need to continue focusing on myself. I’ve seen so many people lose themselves in relationships and I don’t ever want that to happen to me. I’ve learned that not everything has be taken so damn seriously. This blog has helped me process my experiences and make me laugh off the shitty times. Bad things happen sometimes and that’s okay. I’ve also learned that I’m pretty damn awesome and I will not settle for just anybody for the sake of being with somebody. 

Well there you have it, kiddos. I actually really enjoyed answering those questions! 

Now, the time has come for me to pass this award along. I’m going to try my best to nominate people who haven’t gotten it yet (or at least recently)! 

Okay, that’s it. Check out those people and the ones that nominated me. You won’t be disappointed. 

Here are the questions I’d love to hear your answers for (I’ll try and make them fun/interesting): 

  1. Have you done your taxes yet? If not, why? 
  2. What is your most embarrassing moment? 
  3. Is your toilet paper over or under? 
  4. Do you have a favorite super hero? 
  5. When is the last time you cried? 
  6. When is the last time you had sex? 
  7. Who or what inspires you? Why? 
  8. What was your last good deed? 
  9. If you had the chance to know what day and how you were going to die, would you want to know? Explain. 
  10. Do you have any strange phobias? 
  11. Name something you do when you’re alone that you wouldn’t do in front of others

I had been putting off writing this because I knew it was going to be such a time consuming task. I’m glad it’s done! 

Thanks again for the nominations. Oh and…I’ll probably be posting about a guy I have a date with next week. I need to think of a clever name for him. 


feeling inspired?

I was nominated for the Very Inspiring Blogger Award by the awesome I am so appreciative of it. He has a pretty incredible blog. I look forward to his posts, you should check it out 🙂


Here are the rules of the award:
1.) Display the award logo on your blog.
2.) Link back to the person who nominated you.
3.) State 7 things about yourself.
4.) Nominate 15 bloggers for this award.
5.) Notify those bloggers of the nomination by linking to one of their specific posts so that they get notified by ping back.

Here are my 7 things about myself:
1. I speak three languages. Portuguese, English, and Spanish. Learned them in that order. My parents are Brasilian which is why I speak Portuguese fluently.
2. I was a Girl Scout from kindergarden to my senior year in high school. I also received the two highest awards available for Girl Scouts: Silver Award and Gold Award.
3. I was nominated for the class clown award in 8th grade and my senior year of high school; however, I really don’t think I’m all that funny lol. I’m just overly friendly and get along with all sorts of people and make them laugh every now and again
4. It has been one month and 10 days since I’ve quit smoking
5. I love netflix. I’m currently watching every episode of the X-Files, I’m currently about half way into season 6.
6. It has taken me way too long to think of random/interesting facts about myself.
7. I absolutely love board games or games in general. Taboo and scrabble are my favorite.

Now, here are some people you should follow:

Sorry guys, I’m only posting four. I’ll probably add to this later, but it’s 3:15 in the morning. It’s time for me to go to sleep.


awards for ME!

I never thought my blog would be as popular it is now. I’m so lucky to have been given two separate awards. 2012 blog of the year by  at I thoroughly enjoy reading her blog and appreciate her giving me such an awesome award. 

Here are the rules for Blog Of The Year 2012 (Thankfully, they’re simple):

  1. Select another blog or other blogs who deserve the ‘Blog of the Year 2012’ Award;
  2. Write a blog post and tell us about the blog(s) you have chosen – there’s no minimum or maximum number of blogs required – and ‘present’ them with their award;
  3. Include a link back to this page Blog of the Year 2012’ Award at the Thought Palette and provide these ‘rules’ in your post (please don’t alter the rules or the badges!)
  4. Let the blog(s) you have chosen know that you have given them this award and share the ‘rules’ with them
  5. You can now also join our Facebook group – click ‘like’ on this page ‘Blog of the Year’ Award Facebook group and then you can share your blog with an even wider audience
  6. As a winner of the award – please add a link back to the blog that presented you with the award – and then proudly display the award on your blog side sidebar … and start collecting stars…


As for The Versatile Blogger award, that was presented to me by Project Southsea blog at Thank you so much for this awesome award. I also recommend reading that blog! 


The Rules:

1. Display the Award Certificate on your website

2. Announce your win with a post and link to whoever presented your award

3. Present up to 15 awards to deserving bloggers

4. Drop them a comment to tip them off after you’ve linked them in the post

5. Post 7 interesting things about yourself

Here are some blogs I feel deserve this award:

Honestly, I wish I could link all of the blogs I follow because they’re all wonderful! Definitely check out the ones I’ve listed today, they’re all awesome. 

Here are 7 random facts about me: 

  1.  As a nearly 28-year-old, I am still very much in love with the Backstreet Boys. I’ve been to at least one concert in each one of their tours. 
  2. I am extremely obsessed with penguins and plan on getting a tattoo of one soon.
  3. I am hoping to begin my masters program for my Masters in Social Work later this year. 
  4. I still sleep with a teddy bear
  5. If I’m not dating anybody by the time I’m 34-35, I will start a process to have children without a man in my life
  6. I’m on a board of directors for a non-profit street newspaper my sister started in San Diego
  7. I absolutely love planning and organizing things! 


Again, thank you to both of the bloggers that presented with me with these awards. It’s very much appreciated! Please check out their blogs, you won’t regret it! 🙂 


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